The Black Condor : The Man Who Can Fly Like A Bird

The first failure only sharpens his desire to fly, and during the following years, he puts his keen mind to the task of studying the movements of wings, the body motions, air currents, balance and levitation.

The ability to fly is the most common superpower found in the world of fantasy. It’s not a coincidence. The power that flight grants to an individual is tough to overstate. The above comic is a perfect example of this, since the titular character is defined by his ability to fly. This ability allows him to defend the fictional town of Hindustan from foreign raiders, and it serves as a reminder of the human need for verticality.

Check out other posts about comics that deal with verticality here.

Comic originally published in “The Black Condor: The Man Who Can Fly Like A Bird” Crack Comics 1, May 1940.


There's no sensation to compare with this. Suspended animation, a state of bliss. Can't keep my mind from the circling sky. Tongue-tied and twisted, just an earth-bound misfit, I.


Gustave Trouvé’s Flügelflieger